The Animated Editable Professional Infographics PowerPoint Template is a collection of creative data charts and diagrams. The template provides eye-catching colors and bold objects to create modern layout designs for presentations. There are 8 slides containing infographic PowerPoint diagram designs and custom data-driven charts. These infographic templates are useful for demonstrating business plans in PowerPoint. Because visual graphics are helpful to effectively communicate information like marketing strategies and progress reports. Further, these PowerPoint templates free download enable audience to understand complex trends and growth models that have lasting impact. While the animation of professional infographic elements will attract viewers and effectively deliver presentation content.
The PowerPoint diagram template for animated infographics contains a variety of professional graphs and charts. Here, the first slides show 3 data-driven bar charts that could demonstrate performance of products in certain environment. Similarly, the second slide contains a custom combination of area charts with text pointers to add useful information. These data-driven charts, unlike PowerPoint charts, will save time while creating a professional business presentation. Moreover, users can easily modify these editable data-driven charts by updating data values. To do so, click on chart filter -> select data to open spreadsheet. The additional charts include line graph for yearly progress timeline. Furthermore, the PowerPoint diagram template provides flat presentation designs. Such as profitability graph, people comparison, 3 and 4 segments slides, and outline map of the world.
The Animated Editable Professional Infographics PowerPoint Template includes slide transitions and animations. The users can select desirer slides into pre-design business presentation and adjust its color theme. Similarly, add or replace infographic icons according to presentation topic or change shape colors from solid fill option. These free slides enable users to personalize all elements of PowerPoint to align with company’s brand and presentation theme.
Our PowerPoint Templates are compatible with Google Slides. Take the most of every platform using the tool you like.